Here is a List of some Popular Heirloom Tomato Varieties

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  1. Brandywine: Known for its rich, sweet flavor and large, pinkish-red fruit.
  2. Cherokee Purple: A favorite with its deep purple-brown color and sweet, smoky flavor.
  3. San Marzano: Ideal for making sauces, with elongated, meaty fruit and intense flavor.
  4. Mortgage Lifter: Large, pinkish-red tomatoes with a sweet taste and a history of helping pay off a mortgage.
  5. Green Zebra: Small, green-striped tomatoes with a tart, tangy flavor.
  6. Black Krim: A dark, reddish-black tomato with a sweet and smoky taste.
  7. Amish Paste: Perfect for canning and sauces, with oblong, red fruit.
  8. Yellow Pear: Small, sweet, and pear-shaped tomatoes that are great for snacking.
  9. Hillbilly: Large, ribbed, and orange-yellow with a sweet and fruity flavor.
  10. Kellogg’s Breakfast: Big, orange tomatoes with a mild, slightly sweet taste.

These heirloom tomatoes offer a diverse range of flavors, colors, and sizes, making them a great choice for home gardeners looking for unique and delicious options. Keep in mind that the best variety for you may depend on your location and specific growing conditions.

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